
2014年11月17日 星期一

5 Call Center Tech Trends That Have Become Mainstream in 2014


5 Call Center Tech Trends That Have Become Mainstream in 2014

By  on Sep 15, 2014 Editor's Pick No Comments

Customer service has always been the competitive battleground for businesses.
That’s why all call centers are always on the lookout for new methods to create a more effective customer experience strategy.
With the emergence of new technologies and channels, this year brought an across-the-board opportunity for call center operators to boost their game.
As we come close to the last quarter of 2014, let us have a quick look at the five critical tech trends that came on the scene this year and are continuously driving changes in the call center landscape.

2014年11月16日 星期日

Google Chrome Temporary Internet Files & Folders

Windows Vista: C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\ 

Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\[USERNAME]\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\ 

Windows 7/8C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache

Mac OS X: /Users/[USERNAME]/Library/Caches/Google/Chrome/
